
On this blog I write about a ton of different things. You’ll find random posts about a great deal of nothing, and you’ll find deep semi meaningful posts. You’ll find reposts of things I find interesting and you’ll find posts about my hobbies and my interests. Sometimes I rant, sometimes I rave and sometimes I just type and see what happens.

On the far right side here you will see in the top corner a snippet of information about me. You will find far more detail if you click the about button at the top, though I can’t say I’m overly interesting.

On the posts section you will see all of my most recent posts, alternatively you can click on the dropdown box on the side to go through my different “sections” and read posts by their classification.


These are the various categories, or sections if you will that my writing falls under. Alternatively you can just select posts to see all of my content starting with my most recent post. If you’d rather decide what your interested in looking into you can follow the categories below. You may also use the tag field on the right side of the screen to pick popular tags used in my posts and find posts relating to those topics.

EWR Diary: Everything relating to my EWR Diary, whichever promotion I happen to be working on at the time. This may possibly have several subsections at later times.

iGFX DZGN: Yep, I’m cool like that and don’t even have to spell out the whole word. This is for graphic projects, or things I might toss together for someone. I do like to design afterall.

IRAWSUM: If you can read the category title here, then you sir (or maddam) might be a smidgen as awesome as I am.

l33t/n00b: I have to admit Chris Hagemen is responsible for this title. This is for anything video game related I might end up posting. You’ll love it, or you’ll pretend to or I’ll camp out your ass.

Musings: Basically whatever is on my mind, perhaps a poem tossed in or a few subject matters referenced, basically it’s not much different then random posts but I had to find a different category afterall.

Random: Random posts that don’t really fall into any particular category.

Rants: So this category is a lot like all of the other ones, but this one will specifically be about me, ranting. Some ideas in here might be touchbacks to The Josh Says, a project I haven’t messed with in awhile, and others might just be me complaining about something.

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